Wishes to Burn Read online

Page 8

  Giggling at the image that pops in my head, one where I put a collar on him, ride around on his back slapping his bare ass, I can only shake my head at his questioning look.

  Even after what we’ve just done, there are still some thoughts you hold onto for yourself.

  Three hours, two calls for a tow, and one ride in a taxi later, and we finally walk through the farmhouse doors, wet, tired, and with our hands loaded down with bags.

  Gavril comes to greet us first, and though he seems unsure of himself, no doubt knowing about Declan and me, he eventually leans in and gives me a soft kiss on the cheek, lingering there for a touch too long.

  After he pulls away, I look between the two. One of stone, and one of earth, they’re both so different, and the longer we stand here with them staring at each other, I can feel the testosterone rising. I’m beginning to think I may need to separate them when Maksim appears around the corner, his large frame filling the small entryway, and the moment seems to break. Neither smiles, but they both nod their heads as Gavril grabs a handful of Declan’s bags and turns to grab some of mine. Maksim moves in front of me and blocks his way before he can, and rather than take the bags from my hands like I think he will, he wraps his big arms around them, and me, and carries me to the kitchen as I squeal and leave droplets of water in my wake. I playfully kick my legs like I want down, but really, he’s so warm pressed against me, that I’m disappointed when we finally reach the kitchen.

  “Were you hurt?” he asks, skipping straight to the point, and pinning me in place with his stare.

  After I place the bags on the counter, I grab a hand towel off the rack. As I squeeze out my long braids with it, I think about what he asked. Was I hurt? The wreck had scared me, but like how I had proven to Declan, I felt otherwise fine. “I’m good. Though you should expect a call from the insurance company tomorrow,” I reply, not envying him for being the person listed as the SUV being under.

  He doesn’t appear bothered, just continues to stand there, and I start to grow uncomfortable under that piercing gaze. Finally having enough, I narrow my eyes at him. “What?” I say, but he doesn’t back down from my challenging look. Instead, he steps in so close that I have to crane my neck to look into his eyes as our bodies press together. He’s so warm that I must resist the urge to rub against him and take in all that heat.

  “You forgot your shields,” he says, and I bite my lip as I realize what he means. With my eyes cast down, I don’t catch his movement until both of his big hands are holding my face and angling it up toward him. “Don’t ever feel like you have to hide or be embarrassed with me, Rhia. I didn’t bring it up to shame you. The opposite, actually. What I mean is, you forgot your shields, so I saw what you did. The lucky king-to-be may be happy being dominated, but when it’s me you’re with, things will be different.”

  Feeling emboldened by his words, I do what I wanted to earlier, and sink into him and send him a challenging look. “And how will it be different, oh wise and grumpy one?” I tease, but any humor dies on my lips when he leans down close enough for me to see the flames dancing in his eyes, the reds and oranges the only color in that depthless gaze.

  "It will be different because, for as much as I plan to worship you with my lips, I am equally as ready to punish you with my teeth. What I will do to you will send you on highs and lows while I get you so caught up in the ‘whats' of what I will do next, that you'll lose yourself to me and the pleasure I give you. You'll crave the pain because through it, you'll experience rapture like you've never known before."

  Words no longer exist for me, and all I'm capable of is blinking as I picture what he has in mind. With my mouth too dry to talk, I swallow hard and watch his eyes dip to my neck, shivering at the raw hunger I see there.

  Seeing that I have nothing to say, he leans in and takes my mouth with his own, pulling back with my bottom lip between his teeth, and gives a gentle bite before releasing me and spinning away to put up groceries.

  Unable to do anything but squeeze my thighs together against the heat pooling between them, I admire him as he works, his jeans hugging his ass like a long lost friend. With a sigh, I regrettably shift my eyes away and move to help him put the groceries up, and notice the bags from Declan and Gavril are in here. Since we made it to the kitchen first, they must have come in while I was fixated on Maksim, yet I never heard them come and go.

  Sweat beads across Declan's forehead as he stares unblinking into Maksim's eyes. Neither has moved in minutes, but the strain is starting to show on Declan's pale green face.

  “What’s going on? Are they about to make out, because I’d rather not see that?” Satine asks as she slides onto the couch beside me, and with my body angled away, I can feel the brush of her full breasts pushing against my back.

  Leaning into her touch, I lower my voice to where only she can hear. “There’s only one doughnut left, and they both called dibs at the same time. Gavril suggested a stare off with the winner getting it.”

  I don’t move my eyes from the two in front of me, and I feel more than hear Satine scoff at the two guys and their antics.

  “Maksim’s in over his head. Declan’s just playing with him,” Satine says just as quietly, her warm breath tickling my hair and I shiver against her.

  Making sure to keep my voice down, as to not interrupt either of them, I reply, “I don’t know. He looks like he’s going to break any minute. But Maksim doesn’t even seem tired.”

  Satine rests her chin on my shoulder and stares at the two for a second. “Believe me, I’ve known that tricky bastard for years. Leprechauns like to play, and Declan’s just messing with him.”

  Peering closer, I try to see what it is Satine sees. From my vantage point, Declan’s posture appears tired, but when I focus on his eyes, I see that they look just as bright as ever. Whereas, Maksim’s back is ramrod straight, his large frame dwarfing his chair as he towers of Declan, but his eyes have begun to squint. Small creases have formed in the corners of them. Even as I watch, I can tell that it won’t be long for him now, and as the thought crosses my mind, I see him blink. It’s more of a twitch really, but that doesn’t stop Gavril from jumping from his place between the two guys.

  "That's it! You blinked, Maksim. Declan wins!" Gavril declares and raises Declan's hand in the air in a celebratory motion. Maksim stands just as quickly, his chair crashing to the floor behind him, and glares down at Gavril.

  “Bullshit! I didn’t blink. I call a rematch,” Maksim growls out and I feel the heat rolling off of him in waves. Uh oh!

  “Don’t be upset, big guy. You were doomed from the start. But tell you what, I’ll let you lick the crumbs off my plate,” Declan taunts, still sitting with a smirk on his face. He is enjoying pissing off Maksim.

  Reluctant to move from Satine’s soft hold, but knowing that if I don’t step in soon, something or someone, will inevitably end up broken or on fire, I stand and move between the two, placing a gentle hand on Maksim’s hot chest.

  "All right, guys, settle down. We can just go back to the grocery store and buy some more," I say soothingly, but it does nothing to break through to them. And sweat starts to bead on my forehead at the too warm temperature of the room.

  “Yeah, Rhia is right. We’ll just get some more,” Gavril agrees, finally realizing that things are about to get nasty, and not in the way I’d prefer.

  "Don't worry, boys, I have the perfect solution."

  We all turn at Satine's voice and find her standing by the table with the last doughnut in hand. Without removing her eyes from mine, she slowly moves the doughnut to her full lips and sinks her teeth into it, sending the jelly squishing out of the dough layers and staining her lips red. So stunned are we all, that none of us even react as she walks slowly over toward us and leans in, and places a gentle, yet sticky kiss on my lips. She moves away before I can respond, and proceeds to walk out of the room whistling between bites.

  “What the hell!?”

  “Damn it, woman!”<
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  “Haha, she got you guys good!”

  The three seem to break from their spells at once, Maksim and Declan pissed, while Gavril laughs at what Satine has done, but I still stand there staring at the empty doorway she left through. Unable to help myself, I slide my tongue out and across the jelly Satine left behind, moaning softly at the sweet flavor.

  “Damn, that was sexy, Rhia. Can you at least tell us what flavor it was? You know, so that we can live vicariously through you?”

  With the delicious flavor still coating my lips, I debate lying to Declan, but shrug and decide to answer truthfully. “It was cherry,” I tell them, and walk out while their eyes glaze over slightly.

  Their sighs are the only sound to follow as I walk away in search of Satine. I tell myself the whole way it's because I want another taste of the doughnut but immediately admit, at least to myself, that that's a lie.

  The doughnut had been delicious, but it’s the touch of Satine’s lips on mine that I crave.

  I find her in our room, feet dangling from the bed as she sucks the last of the jelly from one of her fingers, and I can’t stop myself from going to her. It has always been this way with her. Like I’m a moth drawn to her light, unable to resist being next to her, despite the burn I may receive.

  She flicks her gaze up to mine and slowly inserts her last finger into her mouth, her cheeks sinking in slightly as she sucks the cherry flavor from it before pulling it out enticingly slow. The action leaving me jealous of the jelly.

  "That wasn't a very nice trick you pulled downstairs. They're probably plotting ways to get you back right now," I say, breaking the silence as I stop before for when my thighs brush up against her knees.

  Gaze hot, spearing me in place, Satine brings one of her hands around to gently sit on my lower back, brushing my ass as she does, and with her other, she takes the hem of my shirt between her fingers.

  “Let them try. I’ve known them too long for them to catch me off guard. But you, you’re a different story. I never know what you’ll do or how you’ll react,” she says as she gently lifts my shirt before placing a soft kiss on my stomach, and an ache shoots straight to my core.

  She had explained that she thought I'd possibly gained some of her succubus cravings. Especially her need for sex, but I wasn't so sure I blamed my thoughts completely on that. Sure, I've found myself daydreaming and imagining doing naughty things to them more than usual recently, but I can't lie to myself and say that's the only reason why. No, when surrounded by not only a physically attractive group but ones that are also kind and generous, it would be impossible not to think of all the naughty things we can do.

  Satine moves as if she’s heard my thoughts, and leans back in like she’ll kiss my stomach again. She surprises me instead by gently biting down on the fleshy area of skin along my hip. I moan as my eyes close of their own accord, and she traces her fingers across the exposed skin of my stomach before expertly flicking the button on my pants open, revealing the top of my lavender thong. The lace intricately designed to look like flowers.

  Feeling her pause, I look down and meet her gaze, the chocolate color so dark they’re almost black, and I can’t deny that I want more.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, and she shakes her head.

  “I just wanted to look at you for a second. You’re so beautiful, Rhia. I just can’t believe that you’re mine sometimes. Even if I have to split my time with the three stooges downstairs,” she says, and her nose flares as my desire flares again.

  Blown away that the gorgeous woman before me thinks she’s the lucky one, I lean down and capture her mouth with my own, loving how soft her lips are, and that her mouth is just a touch smaller than mine. Giving in to what my body and my heart want, I gently push her back onto the bed and climb on top of her as I straddle her waist. My mouth never leaves hers.

  Touch Of A Succubus

  What starts off as sweet, playful kisses, steadily increase into something with more heat. Satine pulls me down onto the bed with her and trails kisses down the line of my neck, playfully nipping at places with her teeth and leaving me practically vibrating with desire. But under that, nerves.

  I'm far from being a virgin, but my sexual experiences up to this point have been with guys, and despite not questioning if this is what I want because I'm a hundred percent sure that it is, I can't help but worry I won't be any good.

  Satine hovers over me where my back rests against the soft duvet and begins to slide my shirt up. The hem has just reached the bottom of my bra when she stops and meets my gaze, brows creased. “Are you okay? We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready. All you have to do is say so.”

  My eyes sweep across her face, taking in the small furrow between her brow and her sincere gaze, and it helps to ease some of my concern. But not all of it. Her being so supportive and understanding convinces me to just be honest with her. If not, she may think it’s her that’s causing me to hesitate and not my own self-doubt.

  Raising a hand to cup her cheek, I make sure she focuses on me. “I’m ready for this. More than ready, actually. I just… I’ve never done this before, and I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  I don’t try to hide the slight tremble in my voice, knowing that, with her, I can be candid with my feelings, and her body seems to relax at my words. Like she has been holding her breath in anticipation of what I would say. Happy that she’s not so tense, I curve my lips up into a smile.

  Still leaning over me, she lowers her mouth and traces the seam of my lips with her tongue before pulling back a few inches, our breasts are pressed together and my hands twitch at the urge to reach up and stroke my thumbs across her hardened nipples.

  "Rhia, I know I'm the first woman you've ever been attracted to, and that you're feeling insecure right now, but understand one thing. You're beautiful in every way to me. From your long legs to your topaz eyes, and everything in-between. Every day I spend with you, just makes me realize that I'm so blessed to have you in my life. Please don't be uncomfortable because all I want is to make you happy. And if you'll allow it, to love you."

  My breath catches at her admission, and when she doesn’t immediately try to take it back, I wonder if it’s possible to just melt into a puddle. Since my words refuse to leave my suddenly dry lips, I swallow hard before I act on my urge from before, and cup her large breasts, enjoying how they feel in my hands while I lean up on my arms and bite her nipple through her thin shirt.

  Moaning, Satine wraps one of her hands behind my neck to hold me there, and then, before I can even react, she pulls away and once again claims my mouth with her own. Her kisses are more urgent than before as her hands slide down my sides before dipping one hand inside my jeans and into my lace panties.

  Without releasing my mouth, she expertly slides her hand lower, as she simultaneously uses the other to roll my nipple between two fingers, and I gasp, as she slides a finger between my folds.

  Slowly she moves her hand in and out of me, circling my clit with each pass and I moan at how she seems to know all the right places to touch without needing any cues from me. When she pulls her hand away, I whimper at the loss of contact, but she only smirks before moving down my body and slowly sliding down my jeans and panties.

  Once they’re off, and I lie before her with only my shirt pressed up beneath my breasts, I fight the urge to cover myself. When her pupils dilate and lips part, I’m glad that I don’t. When I go to sit up, to level the playing field and remove the too many articles of clothing that I know cover a body with curves in all the right places, she pushes me back down.

  “Nuh uh!” she says as she shakes her finger and brings her hands down to my legs, running her nails up to the apex of my thighs before stopping at my knees and gently spreading them wide before her. “I’m going to take care of you tonight, Rhia. You don’t need to worry about a thing.”

  I watch her, her dark hair all that I can see as she leans down between my legs, but as I feel her hot tongue slide along
my folds, I close my eyes as pleasure engulfs me.

  Satine fucks me with her mouth the way one might eat ice cream on a hot summer day. Every action seems to be deliberate, and I can't stop the small noises that I make with each pass of her tongue over my sensitive ball of nerves. With one hand, she works my breast, stroking and squeezing my nipple. With the other, she slides first one finger, and then two inside of me, never once removing her mouth, until I feel the slow build of pleasure start, and my breathing begins to quicken.

  Hearing the speeding up of my breath, Satine speeds up her pace to match my short breaths, and she moves her fingers inside of me faster and harder with each motion until I can't take anymore and I cry out my pleasure as my nails grip into the mattress. Core tightening, Satine drinks me in as I ride out my pleasure, and I'm distantly aware that some of my energy leaves me and goes into her. It's not a lot, nothing I'll ever miss, but the push and pull of sensations only make my orgasm that much better.

  Once the aftershocks of my orgasm pass enough for me to think clearly, I look up as the bed dips down beside me and watch as Satine pulls a few napkins out of the tissue box on the table beside the bed. She brings them up to wipe across her glistening mouth, and I track the motion with my eyes.

  “That was incredible,” I say on a breath, ready to suggest she lay down so that I can return the favor, but a knock at the door stops me.

  “What do you want?” she calls out, eyes lingering on where my shirt has ridden up and exposed one breast, but when I hear the voice on the other side of the door, I sit up quickly and look wide-eyed at Satine.

  “Well, I need a cold shower after that. But since I just got here, maybe we could start with you two getting dressed and coming out here. We’ve got lots to discuss, and the sooner we do, I can get back to my french barista. I’ve taught him how to roll his tongue.”